New EJ Out Now!
Alfred Told Us You Were Itching For More? Enjoy Our New EJ Magazine Issue
Do not forget to check out a previous EJ magazine issue dedicated to the 20th anniversary of “The Marshall Mathers LP”.

Recovery Turns 10!
This is ePro and we are starting our time machine again because today Eminem’s seventh studio album “Recovery” turns 10!
To celebrate this important day we present you this retrospective issue of EJ magazine. 10 years ago “Recovery” release represented Eminem’s comeback to normal life after getting off drugs. This album became a gateway to the hip hop world for a new generation of listeners. For this issue, our editors contributed exclusive articles reminiscing on the events of ten years ago, when they heard songs from “Recovery” for the first time.
So, in this EJ issue, there are exclusive articles, photos you did not see before and, of course, bittersweet nostalgia for you to enjoy. Follow the link to read EJ magazine Issue 37.
Let’s get started! Celebrate the 10th anniversary of “Recovery”!
This issue we celebrate two anniversaries at once! A decade of the album “Relapse” and the 20th anniversary of Eminem’s first commercially successful album — “The Slim Shady LP”, which brought him worldwide recognition. For this occasion, our editors have prepared some exclusive material for you. The main theme of the 32nd edition is our report from Eminem’s shows in Australia and New Zealand, which were part of Rapture 2019. While reading you are guaranteed to feel yourself in the moment of being first row at Marshall’s concert.

EJ Magazine #34
How do you do Ladies and gentlemen? This is ePro with the 34th edition of our EJ magazine! I bet you’ve been listening to music in your jugular veins all weekend. So why don’t you relax? Lean back and enjoy yourself while we take you on an exciting journey.
Stay Safe And Healthy!
We present this EJ special issue in support of “Together at Home”, the campaign launched by Global Citizen and World Health Organization to encourage people to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many artists join the campaign playing intimate “home” sets, entertaining their fans and helping us stay at home.

Special “Encore 15th Anniversary” Issue
We dedicated this special issue to the 15 years anniversary of Eminem’s most controversial album — “Encore”. This issue is designed completely in the style of the album cover. We have used exclusive 2004 Encore promotional photo shot pictures of very high quality. We would recommend that you zoom in when reading to take in all the details you might not have noticed before.
EJ Magazine #31
After a really hot September brought to us by lieutenant Mathers III, we are back with a new issue of our EJ Magazine! Christmas came yearly this year, August 31, when Shady dropped an unexpected release of his tenth studio album on our heads.

Special “Festival Season” Issue
This EJ issue contains 3 detailed articles about Em’s August 2017 shows, which took place in the UK: Glasgow Summer Sessions, Reading Festival and Leeds Festival.
EJ Magazine #30
Last months of 2017 have been certainly very active and busy for our editorial staff, but we were able to find time and resources to make this special EJ magazine issue, fully dedicated to Eminem’s 9th studio album “Revival”.